What's on this CD?
The track list
- How can I keep the romance alive?
- How can I communicate better with her?
- She says we need more passion. What can I do?
- She wants me to get in touch with my feminine side. How do I do that?
- She tells me I am not emotionally available. What does that mean?
- When is it time to seek counseling?
- She wants me to express my feelings. How do I do that?
- She always asks me what am I thinking?
- She says I come to the relationship with excess baggage. What does that mean?
- When is it ok to fart in front of each other?
- She gets angry when I check out other woman. Why is she so selfish?
- She hates my wardrobe. Why?
- Why does she have to redecorate my apartment?
- She wants her mother to live with us. What do I do?
- She no longer dresses sexy for me. Why?
- What do I do when she asks, "Does my butt look big in these jeans?"
- Boobs. Which are better, enhanced or natural? Should I get a boob job? How do I answer these questions?
- She was so beautiful and sexy when we got married, but now? What happened?
- The things I once thought were cute now annoy the hell out of me. What happened?
- I have so many fantasies. Should I share them with her?
- She wants to go out for a "girls night out". Is this wrong?
- She won't make love to me during that time of the month.
- She used to be all over me, but now she won't let me kiss her unless I have shaved first.
- She laughs when I take off my clothes. What can I do?
- She makes me hold her purse while we are shopping. How do I tell her she is emasculating me?
- I get embarrassed when she sends me into the store to buy tampons. Why does she do that?
- I see elderly couples walking hand in hand. I want that. How do I get that?
- She is a terrible cook. Some times I am afraid I won't live through dinner. What can I do?
- The 7 Principals of Seduction
- Sex in your Nineties: A Practical Guide
3 ways to buy the wisdom